The VHA Health & Wellness Expo was held Friday, November 15, 2024 at Rohan Recreation Center. TLC had a table to showcase and answer questions about our work in the community. “It was packed. We talked to over 100 people; it was great!”
Marie Lazinski, MSW, Diane Vasaturo, LCSW tend the TLC table at the Expo.
TLC Services participated in a big way in the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention’s Out of the Darkness Community Walk on October 19, 2024. Here are some first-hand reports:
There was a great turnout. We spoke to many people and provided onsite support to some. The event was well-organized and touching. Thanks to Jacque Bell for heading our TLC team. -Lucille Karatzas, LCSW
The experience was amazing. We were with people with so many stories to participate with great love and compassion for each other. I stood there looking into the faces of whole families grieving and felt that being together in our grief helped us get through another day. Every day, we remember our loved ones, which hopefully helps us reach better conclusions. -Marie Lazinski, MSW
The TLC team and their spouses at the walk.
Jacque Bell (right), TLC treasurer and her sister at the walk. Jacque led the fundraising in which TLC was a top contributor.
Joan Miles Lowitt, LCSW, Lucille Karatsas, LCSW, and Marie Lazinski, MSW, tending the TLC table.
Dr. Jim Deutch, Pat Hayes, LCSW and Bonnie Hovel, LCSW, attended the NASW-FL 50th Anniversary Conference from June 13-15, 2024, in Orlando. The theme of the conference was “Empowering Social Workers.” The plenary got us off to a good start with the topic, “Looking Back to Move Forward – When We Know Better, We Do Better.” The dynamic speaker, Crystal C. Rozelle-Bennett, LMSW, CEO, THRYVE LLC, inspired us all to go forth with the work to elevate and amplify the voices of individuals and communities, to promote healing and opportunities to move from surviving to thriving.
Our TLC presentation this year was titled “Battling Ageism: A Clinical Program by Retired Social Workers.” We described the effects of ageism on mental health services in the state and on various aspects of retirement for mental health professionals. Using research done in our TLC group, we demonstrated the benefits of volunteering on our satisfaction, professional identity, self-esteem and group identity. We also shared the many positive outcomes for our clients from participating in TLC support groups. The audience was inspired by our presentation and several attendees planned to return to their communities and get started with something similar. This was a rewarding experience for all of us!
James Deutch, DSW, Professional Education Officer, Pat Hayes, LCSW, Founder and Director of TLC and Bonnie Hovel, LCSW, Vice President and Director of Operations.
From Joan Miles Lowitt, MSW, LCSW. On Saturday, May 4, 2024, my husband and I, along with TLC’s legal advisor Laura Sterling, enjoyed a lovely evening celebrating the newest President and CEO of United Way of Sumter and Lake counties, Jessica Davis. Ms. Davis, a poised yet powerful speaker, called upon the audience to celebrate what had taken place in her first year of tenure, yet encouraging further support and contributions. In a short video, we were introduced to Angela Williams, CEO and President of United Way Worldwide, sharing mini vignettes of the thousands of people United Way has served all over the globe. In Sumter and Lake counties alone, 59,000 benefited from contributions and services last year. Troy Smith offered a moving keynote address that kept the audience mesmerized. The event at Venetian Center in Leesburg included live music and a delicious full-course dinner after the cocktail hour.
From Laura Sterling, MSW, LSCW, Esq. Joan and I had a lovely time listening to the inspirational and motivational speakers at the United Way Night of Impact Gala. It all paid tribute to the United Way of Lake and Sumter County. It was beautiful to hear the stories of how the United Way has helped and continues to help so many people. It was also very special to spend time with a beautiful person, Joan and her husband. What a night.
Laura Sterling and Joan Miles Lowitt
Joan Miles Lowitt with Jessica Davis, CEO, United Way of Lake and Sumter Counties.
TLC has a Facebook page, “TLC Services in The Villages, Florida,” providing daily posts of quotations, memes, and information about upcoming events. Over the past year, our visibility has increased, and there are currently over 100 followers, many of whom repost items on their personal or group pages, reaching approximately 600 people daily. It is a pleasure to read comments on how these posts touch people in a very personal way. We invite you to follow us and help spread positive aging messages, advice on making the most of your life, and occasional touches of humor.
TLC participated in several Expos in 2023. In February and again in October, we participated in the Giving Clubs Showcase, where over 50 charitable clubs displayed information about their organizations and what they offer to the community. In November, we were part of the first annual Villages Homeowners Advocates’ Health and Wellness Expo. The theme was healthy aging. We had a mirror for attendees to look into and “meet the person responsible for their… happiness, behaviors, choices, etc.” It was an effective way to help them consider the importance of their perspectives and attitudes in leading a healthy, balanced life. Tending the table in this photo are Marie L., MSW, board member and leader of our Expo participation, and Judy Maloney, LMHC, and support group facilitator.
On June 15, 2023, TLC gave a presentation at the National Association of Social Workers Florida Conference. Pat Hayes, LCSW, Bonnie Hovel, LCSW, and Dr. James A. Deutch, LCSW, spoke on the topic “Filling the Gap in Mental Health Services: A Replicable Model.” In this presentation, TLC shared its origins, success in helping clients and the rewards gained by retired mental health professionals as they volunteer their services to the community. Networking with professionals from all over the State of Florida gave us additional opportunities to connect with others who might wish to replicate our model. We enjoyed meeting colleagues from other areas and getting to know the leadership and administrative team of NASW-FL.